Trying to find out estimate taxi fare Melbourne Airport to Ballarat? Take the guesswork out of transportation costs with our Estimate Taxi Fare service. Whether you’re looking to pre-book a sedan taxi, wagon taxi, 7-seater SUV taxi, or a maxi taxi for your journey, our transparent estimate fares provide you with the information you need to book your taxi with confidence.

Pre-Book Taxi Melbourne Airport to Ballarat
Secure your transportation in advance by pre-booking a taxi from Melbourne Airport to Ballarat. Our convenient online booking at, allowing you to plan ahead and guarantee your ride. Moreover, airport taxi phone number +61414 999 990 gives you the freedom to book a ride with one phone call.
Standard Sedan Taxi Fare Melbourne Airport to Ballarat
Curious about the cost of a sedan taxi from Melbourne Airport to Ballarat? Our transparent estimate fares for sedan taxis provide you with clear pricing information, allowing you to budget for your comfortable and private transportation.
- Day Time – $240
- Night Time – $260
Wagon Taxi Estimate Fare Melbourne Airport to Ballarat
If you’re traveling with extra luggage or a larger group, consider a wagon taxi. Our transparent estimate fares for wagon taxis ensure you know the cost upfront, providing peace of mind for your journey to Ballarat.
- Daye Time – $250
- Night Time – $270
7 Seater SUV Taxi Estimate Fare Melbourne Airport to Ballarat
For larger groups or families, our 7-seater SUV taxis offer ample space and comfort. Estimate the fare for your group’s journey from Melbourne Airport to Ballarat, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable ride for everyone.
- Day Time – $260
- Night Time – $280
Maxi Taxi Fare Melbourne Airport to Ballarat
Traveling with a bigger group? Our maxi taxis are designed for your comfort and convenience. Estimate the fare for your maxi taxi journey to Ballarat, making group travel hassle-free.
- Day Time – $290
- Night Time – $310
At Airport Pickup Melbourne, we prioritize transparency and convenience in your travel plans. Whether you’re pre-booking a sedan, wagon, 7-seater SUV, or maxi taxi, our estimated fares empower you to plan your journey confidently. Book your estimated taxi fare today and enjoy a seamless trip to Ballarat!